Saturday, June 16, 2018

Happy Father's Day!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

I love you Daddio! 

From Your Favorite "impairy."

Smooches and think Tink!!!

Just Feelin' So Good!

Hi Y'all,

For two days, gifs and mini videos wouldn't work but last night, I FIXED THE PROBLEM ON MY OWN! HELL YEAH! I learned how to update the Display driver and everything went back to normal. I was so proud of myself (I celebrate the small victories along with the big) but tonight, I feel good because I spent most of the day watching the Muppet Show (I have 3 seasons on DVD) , and then I had Pepsi, coffee, and Coffee Nut M&Ms! Now, I'm listening to music, practically dancing in my chair ♿🤘🏻 , lol. I'm a weirdo cause I can be!!! 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜

Smooches and think Tink! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

the Femme Fatale Waltz (a poem)

the Femme Fatale Waltz  

There was once a femme fatale,
who was the daughter of an angel and the devil. 
Her hair, her lips; 
the color of blood. 
Her emerald eyes
made the heart go:
thud, thud...thud, thud...thud, thud. 
Once you were in her sights, 
you'd wish that you were dead. 

she looked so pure and doll-like, 
But inside, 
she was so cruel and demonic. 
She'd be in the center of a masquerade ball. 
The glamour, the champagne, the attention; 
She wanted it all.

She loved to dance,
She loved to waltz, 
seducing young men's souls; 
in her crimson gown, 
twirling, twirling, and twirling 'round, 
in perfect time.  

There was no escape. 
Once you fell under her spell, 
your soul belonged to her. 

You became one of her toys forevermore. 

(c)Lena Holdman, all rights reserved 2018 

Music (video above) by: Derek & Brandon Fiechter 

Poet Notes: I wanted to write a poem in the rhythm of a waltz because of my recent fascination with masquerades. Did I succeed? I had so much fun writing it. 

Smooches and think Tink! 💋

Monday, June 11, 2018

Net Neutrality is Gone?!


Despite the senate win, the vote didn't go to the House of Representatives so the net neutrality repeal goes into effect today. Make your voices heard! Internet providers and cable companies could have all of the control now. Let's fight it! 

Here are some Missouri Reps. that supported this terrible decision: 

Raise your voice and think Tink!

Just Thinking Of You Today, Steven

  Hi Steven,  How are you? I'm good! I'm just thinking of you today and saying hi. It feels weird to say 'Happy Death Day,' ...