Monday, October 14, 2024

October Update 🎃🔪

 Hey Y'all, 

I got my gallbladder removed on Friday, Oct. 4th. I got home on Friday, Oct. 11th. I won't be going to Halloween camp this year. This is a minor hiccup during my Halloween season, but it's okay. I can still celebrate on Halloween night. Nothing will ruin my spooky era. When you think about it though, my gallbladder being carved out of my body like some pumpkin guts is still on my gory brand lol. 🎃🔪 There won't just be a camp blog or a story this year.

Stay macabre! 

Happy Halloween!!! 


Smooches and think Tink!!!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

You'll Go Missing, I'll Protect Them


I'm just saying. I watch Dateline. If you mess with my niece or nephew, I'll make sure that you'll go missing. Think about that.

Smooches and think Tink! 


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Another Character In My Mind


My original character. He was created by DreamUp AI on Deviantart but I came up with the background story.  

Nightfall Whitefreeze: A dark male fairy who was once in an evil fairy clan but left because he was bored. He's rebellious and macabre but protective. He's a guardian of humans, an anti-hero. He murders bad humans. I might or might not use him in a story. 

Smooches and think Tink! 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Just A Little Nightmare Fuel To Start The Weekend


I think Grover is hangry lol! Here's a little nightmare fuel to start your weekend. You're welcome. 😜 

Smooches and think Tink! 💋🧚

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I Might Feel Lonely But I'm Not Alone


I'm kinda feeling lonely tonight, but I have to remember that I do have family and friends that love me. God also loves me and is always watching over me. It's okay to be single; to love myself as well. I might be alone in my room right now, but I can be my own best friend. 💝

I'm okay, just having an emo moment lol. ❤😜

Smooches and think Tink! 🧚

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Wonderland Camp (July 7, 2024)


The week of July 7th, I went to Wonderland Camp at the Lake of Ozarks. It was so much fun! I was in the Charles A cabin. I saw my friends: Alyssa, Cookie, Haley, Ty, Kayla, Angel, Ann, Chris, and Megan. I met some new friends too: Hannah, Shy, Elizabeth, Chase, Emily, and Brandy. A camper, whom I’ll call Mr. Shark in this entry (lol), also flirted with me all week. Even though I was flattered and he was a sweet guy, he wasn’t my type. I just smiled to be polite (I did like the attention though lol). Alyssa, Cookie, Kayla, Chase, and I went to the playground Sunday afternoon (I went on the wheelchair swing and played with sticks).

Later, we had a “campfire” in Miller Hall because it was raining. It was still fun and relaxing. We still sang the silly camp songs and had yummy s’mores.   

On Monday morning, we had archery. Alyssa or I couldn’t aim (lol) but it was fun. In Arts and Crafts, we tie-dyed our shirts. Cookie and I wanted matching shirts, so we decided on three colors: pink, purple, and blue. Our shirts looked so cool. Later that afternoon, we went to the pool. For the first time in a while, I went into the water (I usually go to the splash pad because I’m sort of nervous about drowning lol). Alyssa talked me into it, promising to hold onto me. It was a blast! Cookie and I splashed each other. I even went underwater a few times!!  

Later in the evening, we had a carnival. Because it was raining again, the carnival was in Miller Hall, but it was still fun. There were games, cotton candy, snow cones, face painting, and music. I played most games, ate pink cotton candy, got a fox painted on my face, and hung out with people. A nice carnival volunteer gave me a blue bracelet (that was so kind of him). Cookie and I then played Jumbo Connect Four. It was a good night. 

It was raining on Tuesday morning, so we had inside activities. We played Bingo. Then, I made bracelets and necklaces with Alyssa. I found two round, Christmas bells in the bead box. I thought these bells looked cool, so I asked Alyssa to put them on a string (I’m weird, lol). 

In the afternoon, it stopped raining. We shot BB guns. Alyssa attempted to aim (lol) and I pulled the trigger with a stick. We then did the rock wall. I love going to the top. It feels like flying. 

Later on, we had a water fight with Megan. The water was beyond cold, and I was shivering, but it was worth it. It was awesome! People were laughing and running around. Megan also put the hose over my head. We even sprayed Ty as he drove away in the golf cart. It was so funny! 

In the evening, the sidewalks had rows and rows of trucks and machines. I let Angel and Kayla drive my chair as we looked at the trucks. We got to take pictures in front of or inside the trucks. It was pretty cool.

When Alyssa got off her break, the two of us hung out in the sensory room. 

We had Rec at the basketball court on Wednesday morning. We put whipped cream and dessert toppings all over our counselors. It was strange but very hilarious!

Then, we had Nature. We made DIY Chia Pets (I don’t think they worked, but I give the nature guy an A for effort lol). After Nature, we had Arts and Crafts. We decorated workshop aprons. I decorated my apron with my name, smiley faces, and googly eyes. Why googly eyes? Because they remind me of the Muppets! (lol). 

Cookie, Alyssa, and I then had lunch in the sensory room. We just needed some quiet. Now, I get why people love hanging out in that room. It was comfy.

Later that afternoon, we had a tea party in Miller Hall. I thought it was adorable that Wonderland Camp was doing something Alice In Wonderland-related. Plus, the chocolate chip cookie was delicious. Then, we got to ride on the camp’s new mini-tram. It was so cool! 

The talent show was in the evening. Before my turn, I gulped down my Mountain Dew to numb the scratchy throat, (don’t worry, it was just from my allergies going nuts), but I had a blast singing on stage. I sang “Where I Belong” by Simple Plan, State Champs, and We The Kings. The rest of the talent show was so cute.

We got to eat breakfast in our cabin on Thursday morning because we had an early boat ride. I thought eating breakfast in the cabin was awesome! It was cozy. Then, we went down to the waterfront to ride the boat. I sat by Kayla on the boat ride. We were talking and laughing. As the boat sped through the water, gray, puffy clouds were coming toward us, and small raindrops slowly fell on us. No one cared until they heard thunder in the distance. This is the moment when the mini-adventure began. We raced back to the dock. As the rain poured down, we rushed back to the tractor and back up to camp. 

After rest time, we had Beam, where they projected a game like Candy Crush onto the floor. Campers play with a tap of a foot or a roll of a wheel. I’m not the greatest at it (lol), but I had fun. I noticed that my wheelchair driving gets better too when I do it. 

Before dinner, I put on my outfit for the dance; my black Simple Plan t-shirt, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes. After dinner, I added black eyeshadow and red lipstick to my look. A camper asked me if I was an emo girl, which made me smile because even though I’m in my thirties, I’m still Goth/emo at heart. 

At the dance, the music boomed, and laughter was everywhere. Cookie, Kayla, Mr. Shark, and I hung out and spun around on the stage. We twirled, talked, laughed, and acted goofy. I had so much fun that I was exhausted by the end of the night! 

Friday was bittersweet. I was ready to see my parents and my bedroom (lol), but I didn’t want to leave camp. People were packing up and signing shirts. I got the Aqua Woman Award. I’m excited to go back in October with Alyssa and Cookie. I love my adventures there. Until next time…oh, Wonderland, I love. 

Smooches and think Tink!


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Joey Fatone and AJ McLean: a Legendary Night Concert


My Sissy and I had a blast at Joey's and AJ's concert! 

We danced and sang our hearts out.🤩 

Smooches and think Tink! 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Happy Birthday Grannie Annie!


Happy birthday Grannie Annie! I love you. Have fun up there! 

Smooches and think Tink!

My Thoughts on the "Fallen Idols" Documentary and the Allegations Against Nick Carter


"I'm watching 'Fallen Idols' on HBO Max to know what's being said from all point-of-views. I suggest my fellow backstreet boys fans do the same. I know the alleged info is difficult to stomach, but how can you form an opinion without info? Btw, don't harass the alleged victims." -May 29, 2024


I wasn't planning on watching this documentary because I thought the whole thing would disrespect Aaron's memory and I wanted people to let his spirit rest in peace. Frankly, I didn't want to know about the allegations against Nick either. As a starry-eyed fangirl, by default, I just wanted to believe Nick Carter was the sweet guy of the Backstreet Boys, which was very immature and close-minded of me. I finally decided to watch the documentary and even read some legal documents because I knew I couldn't blindly believe everything I read on Twitter. I needed to form my own opinion. 

Disclaimer: These are my thoughts. All of the allegations are still being investigated in civil court. Unfortunately, the statute of limitations had expired for the allegations to be tried in criminal court. Despite that, Nick is still presumed innocent until proven guilty. I'll use such words as alleged and possible in this blog entry. 

Even though Nick Carter was the documentary's main focus, Aaron Carter had a huge part in the story. Not only because he was Nick's younger brother, was one of the biggest pop stars, and was part of the dysfunctional dynamic of the Carter family, but he was also in a lot of conflict. Due to their mother's mental abuse, Aaron was gradually becoming a drug addict and alcoholic. Because he supported Nick's alleged victims, he was constantly and unfairly being cyberbullied by trolls and Youtubers, which made his addiction worse. He became obsessed with the internet and paranoid. He was always on Instagram Live, slowly going insane. I'm absolutely shocked Instagram or YouTube wasn't banning people left and right for bullying at that time. He thought Nick was behind the harassment. However, I believe that somebody else in the family paid people to do it. Near the end of his life, Aaron recanted his support of the alleged victims. I believe that he did this because he was so desperate for the harassment to stop and not because he didn't believe the victims. It's so sad how lost he became; all that people did was tease him. I want to remember the happy and hopeful, "I Want Candy" Aaron Carter. 

Now, onto the allegations. Trigger Warning: discussion of sexual assault. Reader's discretion is advised

I want to start with Shannon Ruth's allegation because it bugs me. It's the only story I have a problem with. She claimed she was seventeen when she attended a Backstreet Boys concert with a friend in February of 2001 in Tacoma, Washington. She also said she has autism and cerebral palsy. She claimed while waiting in line for an autograph, Nick invited her to come on his tour bus. According to her, he gave her a weird-tasting red beverage that he called "VIP juice." She then claimed he forced her to perform oral sex on him in the bathroom on the tour bus. She claimed that he then took her to a bed in the back of the tour bus and vaginally raped her, allegedly giving her HPV. (I wonder why Nick wasn't tested for HPV). After the alleged assault, she said that he grabbed her arm, causing a bruise, and called her a R-worded b*tch. 

This story seems fishy to me. First, according to security personnel, concert attendees, a talent manager, and the opening act, there was no autograph line at that concert. Nick and the band exited quickly after their performance. No fan was ever allowed to be alone with a band member. Also, her friend, Joy, said she didn't think Shannon ever attended a Backstreet Boys concert. (PAGE 4 and 5, Second of all, during a phone call to the police on December 4, 2019, she said that Nick only grabbed her arm. She didn't report rape or any other sexual assault or misconduct until later on. (PAGE 9, I know victims of assault sometimes block things out in response to trauma or could be fearful of reprisals from their abusers, but her story kept changing.  She even changed which friend was with her at the concert; First, it was Joy, but then, it was her friend, Eleanor, who testified that Shannon didn't even have a bruise on her arm. Even though Nick has an alleged history of violence and bursts of anger, I don't think she was on that bus. (PAGE 18: Shannon also admitted in a private direct message to a woman named Heather Hayat on Twitter that she wasn't assaulted. (PAGE 7,

Third of all, in the documentary, Shannon said due to her autism, she was at times unaware of her surroundings. This bothers me because if this were the case, why would she be allowed to go on a tour bus with a stranger alone? It makes no sense to me. It's a sad fact that people with disabilities are vulnerable to sexual assault because they're seen as "easy targets" by predators. I, myself, have cerebral palsy and I'm in a wheelchair. If I wanted to go off alone with a celebrity I just met, whoever was with me would protect me no matter what. The person would put their foot down and say: "Um,, I'm going with you!" Either she has very bad friends or she never went to the concert and never met Nick Carter. 

It irked me to no end when Shannon said in the documentary she was the voice for disabled people who ever got assaulted. She is NOT "the voice" if she possibly made it up! Her story will make it more difficult for disabled victims to be believed and that makes me furious!

Finally, I don't believe she made this up as a part of a grand conspiracy with Melissa Schuman, (I'll talk about Melissa's allegations next), Aaron Carter, and Melissa's father. I believe she came up with this after being influenced by Melissa's story at no fault of anyone. Shannon read the story online and then said she was too assaulted in a similar way as Melissa allegedly was. I don't believe that Melissa asked her to make up these accusations. I think that Shannon just wanted to talk to a former pop star.  

Now, I'm going to discuss Melissa Schuman's allegations. I know some of my fellow Backstreet Boys fans won't like what I'm about to say, but it's what I think. I believe Melissa Schuman. 

Melissa is a former band member of the girl group, Dream. She claimed that in February 2001, when she was sixteen, her managers told her that twenty-one-year-old Nick thought she was cute and he wanted to talk to her. Her management team and his team allegedly arranged for her to speak to him on the phone, which was awkward. She wasn't interested in him romantically and told her team that she had a boyfriend. Although she was a minor at that time, her team allegedly made it clear that they wanted her to date Nick. She refused despite the alleged pressure. In the spring of 2002, she left Dream. In early 2003, she was cast in a horror film and Nick was also cast in this film. During lunch, he invited her to his Santa Monica, California apartment to play video games that evening. Given that they both had prior work experience performing and were becoming acquaintances on set, she agreed to come. 

Melissa and her roommate went to his apartment. His friend, Tony Bass, was there too (he isn't related to Lance Bass, I looked). Nick was making drinks for everyone. Melissa was only eighteen. She was inexperienced with drinking at the time and Nick suggested a drink with cranberry juice (clear alcohol and cranberry juice). Then, he allegedly put a drug in the drink without her knowledge. She claimed that they were walking into the living room when Nick asked her if she wanted to hear some new music he was working on. He took her hand and led her into his office. He sat in the only chair. He turned off the light and allegedly told her to sit on his lap, but she chose to sit on the edge of his knee. He turned the music on from his computer and pulled her into him, kissing her (Reminder: kissing is NOT consent to sex, especially if it's a forced kiss). She felt self-conscious, intimidated, and inexperienced; she had only kissed one other boy. She claimed that Nick knew she was a virgin and held conservative Christian values, but he didn't care. He took her into the bathroom and shut the door. 

She claimed he picked her up and put her on the bathroom counter. He allegedly began to unbutton her clothes and she told him she didn't want to go any further. He reportedly responded: "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody." She continued to object. He ignored her and assaulted her, performing oral copulation on her against her will. She was in shock and started to feel as if she was spinning. She tried to turn off the light, but he kept turning it on, stating he wanted to look at her.  A male friend (probably Tony Bass) began to knock on the bathroom door and Nick allegedly panicked, quickly dressing her and taking her into the dark hallway. Nick then reportedly took her into the other bathroom that was adjacent to the bedroom and shut the door.  He reportedly took his pants and sat on the bathroom counter. He demanded that she perform oral sex on him. She refused and he became very angry, demanding she do it to him since he did it to her. He allegedly forced her to masturbate him. She was fearful he would physically harm her if she didn't comply. Tony knocked on the door again. Nick threatened her to keep quiet by making a gesture, shushing her. She was too terrified to yell out. She claimed that he exerted his control over her, knowing she didn't consent, for his own sexual gratification. 

Against her will, Nick took her to the bedroom, pushed her onto a twin bed, and climbed on top of her. Repeatedly, she said NO! She told him over and over that she wanted to save herself for marriage. He continued to force himself on her, whispering in her ear that he could be her husband. He forced vaginal penetration of her, later giving her HVP. (Again, why hasn't Nick been tested for HVP?) She went limp and disassociated. When he was done, he got off her and she turned to the side and curled into the fetal position. She noticed that Tony was asleep on the floor. Despite having a small amount of alcohol, she passed out. At sunrise, she and her friend left. Nick was already gone. (PAGE 5 to 7:

Over the next few days, she told her manager, her roommate, her father and mother, her therapist, and her former co-star about the assault. She didn't report it to the police or have a rape kit done. She didn't want to face it or confront him at the time. Her manager told her that coming forward could ruin her career. She even did a duet with Nick because she felt she had to if she wanted to further her career. Then, after she performed the duet with him at her showcase, the label dropped her. She thought Nick only did the duet for some alibi. 

When I first heard this story, I thought maybe she lied to her parents because she was ashamed she lost her virginity during a one-night stand. I was like other Backstreet Boys fans, saying: "He would never do that, I stand with Nick Carter!" Now, after reading and re-reading her story and seeing her interview in the documentary, I believe her. A B-movie actress couldn't fake that kind of reaction to a past trauma. Those tears were real. This woman went through something horrific.  It's difficult for me to say Nick could be a rapist because I was a Nick Carter girl. My stomach is in knots writing this, but the evidence is there for me. 

First, doesn't anybody else find it creepy that her management team and his team were trying to arrange for them to date by his request back when she was only sixteen and he was twenty-one? Was it really okay for Nick to call a minor to attempt to woo her? He shouldn't have said she was cute or talked to her in hopes of a romance. It was gross and very predatory.

Secondly, as I said before, Nick has an alleged history of violence and anger. It wouldn't surprise me if he held a grudge ever since she rejected him in 2001, and when he saw her in 2003, he probably wanted revenge. (Rape isn't about sex; it's about power and control). After he started drinking that night, I believe that he didn't care about the consequences of the horrible actions he was about to commit; he was going to show her that no one said no to him. I believe in his eyes, her body was an object he could control. 

Thirdly, Tony Bass testified that he was sleeping on the floor a few feet away while Melissa and Nick had consensual sex, but drinking or not, what girl would want their first time to be in the same room where their friends were sleeping? Also, how did he know what Nick was doing if he was supposed to be sleeping? I think Tony was a liar and a pervert. I think Melissa's friend did pass out from drinking, but I believe that Tony was pretending to be asleep; he was lying there watching while Nick violated Melissa! 

Then, after that night, Nick allegedly called her, saying: "Why did you make me do that?" What did she make him do exactly? He yelled, cussed her out, and harassed her until she changed her number. If it was consensual and he did nothing wrong, why was he freighting her into silence? These aren't the actions of an innocent man. 

Finally, why did she wait until 2017 to say anything publicly? She saw Ashley Repp's accusations (I'll discuss Ashley's allegations next) and knew she had to speak up. Still, Melissa's husband had to post the blog entry for her because she was so scared of Nick. People have been calling her an attention seeker, but I don't think she would go after him randomly and for no reason. Rape cases (even in civil court) are stressful, expensive, frustrating, draining, and long. Defense attorneys can twist alleged victims' words and make them upset, so it looks like victims are the guilty ones. Also, I'm sure she has seen how fans today have a mob mentality on social media. It can be toxic and sometimes dangerous (look what people did to poor Aaron). Despite all of that, she just wants to speak her truth. 

Let's discuss Ashley Repp's allegations now. This should be an obvious one. I 88000% believe her. 

On or about August 29, 2003, Nick's family and friends, including fifteen-year-old Ashley, gathered on his yacht in Marathon, Florida. He led her to the cabin of the yacht. Even though he allegedly knew she was a minor, he provided her with alcohol such that she was very intoxicated at the time. She had not yet experienced sexual intercourse or other sexual activity before meeting Nick. He allegedly kissed her and directed her to the bed, where he engaged in oral intercourse and vaginal penetration (without her consent). He instructed her to keep his abuse of her a secret.   

A few days later, on September 1, 2003, Nick and his sister, Angel encouraged Ashley to meet him in the lounge area of the bus on their Florida property. She complied. Then, he reportedly coerced her into performing oral sex on him. 

On another occasion, on October 27, 2003, Nick hosted a get-together on two of his boats with Angel Carter, Ashley, and at least three men. He allegedly provided alcohol and drugs to still-minor Ashley and caused her to become black-out drunk and high on his yacht. Later that night, Nick then reportedly promoted and enticed three men: Stephen Canizio, David Lezcano, and Andrew Koussevitsky to watch him engaging in sexual intercourse with her from a vantage point of an outside window in the cabin of his yacht. He took her to the bed and reportedly vaginally penetrated her, despite her being half-conscious and saying no. She claimed that he even attempted to perform anal sex despite her begging to stop. All three creeps allegedly gawked at the assaults, cruelly snickering, like it was a disgusting private show for them. 

Shortly after this, she disclosed the assaults to her mom and her mom later reported it to the police in December 2003. Ashley probably had a rape kit done, but I'm guessing there was no useful evidence such as DNA because too much time had passed. Later on, she even admitted that she lied about her age (that shouldn't matter though). (

First, even if she indeed consented to sex with him, she wasn't old enough. It still would be rape. The age of consent in Florida and in most states is eighteen. If someone is an adult, sexual intercourse or other sexual activity with a minor (someone younger than eighteen) is considered statutory rape. Someone charged with statutory rape can be placed in jail and/or on the sexual offender registry.  It doesn't matter whether the minor verbally consented to or initiated the activity, the state considers any individual under eighteen as too young to be capable of properly giving consent. (,which%20is%20a%20serious%20crime.).

Secondly, she did lie about her age and was drinking and doing drugs, but that shouldn't matter. She couldn't consent if she was barely conscious. People who are under the influence or physically helpless are unable to consent.  ( She wasn't in her right mind and he possibly took advantage of it. Also, even in her altered state, she reportedly told him to stop and he didn't. Because she was so out of it, she couldn't fight back or run away. She probably couldn't even walk straight. She was at his mercy.

Thirdly, he said that she seemed older than fifteen. How? Ashley was best friends with Angel, who was fifteen. In the documentary, there were pictures of Ashley from the time and she definitely looked young. Her age should've been obvious. I doubt that he was thinking about her age though. I believe that he has a thing for virginal teenage girls.  

Finally, Ashley seemed legitimately traumatized in the documentary. No one would go through the abrasive process of a rape kit and would want to talk about the most terrifying and painful moment of their lives over and over again just for fame and/or money. After the assaults, she went through emotional and physical anguish and intimacy issues.

People are saying that the two women's accusations are exactly the same, but I don't think so. I think Shannon Ruth's allegation is the only one that sounds like a copycat story. I believe that we're seeing Nick's possible M.O. with these two stories: get teenage virgin girls alone, get them drunk or high, and assault them. No one caught on until now. 

People are saying that Nick wouldn't do such a vile act and are saying that he isn't a violent person or angry at all. Remember when he beat up Aaron on House of Carters?

Remember when he got in Brian's face and screamed at him on the Show 'Em What You Make of documentary? 

Should I remind everybody of what he allegedly did to Paris Hilton? She had a busted lip and bruises on her arms. I remember fifteen-year-old me trying to justify it and saying, "It must be makeup, she must be lying because they're arguing," which was wrong and stupid of me. 

In 2016, he was also arrested in Florida for misdemeanor battery outside of a bar. ( I now believe that in the spotlight, Nick Carter is the great guy who hugs fans, but when he's drinking behind closed doors, the deviant comes out. There's no excuse for his behavior, but I think it's a side effect of his dysfunctional family. The mom and dad were always fighting and drinking. He was surrounded by violence twenty-four-seven. I believe that over the years, he felt entitled to anything and anyone because of his fame and would become a monster to get his way. I wish fans weren't in the documentary, saying that they knew he was completely innocent. Do they know him personally? No one really knows anybody, especially celebrities. I also wish the other members of the Backstreet Boys didn't call the alleged victims liars, but I understand they think they're defending their BSB brother. 

I hope I'm wrong about him; I hope someday Nick will explain these things away without attorneys or PR reps, but the facts and my gut tell me that he assaulted those women when they were girls. I'm still a Backstreet Boys fan. I'll love NSYNC's and Backstreet Boys' music forever, but I no longer support Nick Carter. A.J. McLean will be my favorite Backstreet Boy from now on. I also hope the rape survivors get justice and closure. They deserve to be heard. I stand with Melissa and Ashley.

If you have ever been raped or if you know someone who has been raped, please go to: You're not alone. 

Well, that was a heavy topic. Let's watch some Aaron Carter music videos and remember the happier times. 

Smooches and think Tink.

October Update 🎃🔪

 Hey Y'all,  I got my gallbladder removed on Friday, Oct. 4th. I got home on Friday, Oct. 11th. I won't be going to Halloween camp t...