Saturday, April 16, 2011




Breaking up with him was like being a little girl and finding out that Peter Pan wasn’t real. For so long, I believed that the world was such a magical place, that we could fly. I memorized all of the fables of us that he fed to me. I believed that all we needed was faith, trust, and pixie dust until he spat reality at me. I came back down to Earth and now I’m so disappointed. I feel betrayed. I can finally see the heartrending truth in his eyes and his cynical thoughts that darkens a soul. The guy that I knew was just imaginary.

(c)Lena Holdman, all rights reserved 2011.

Okay, you might be wondering why I wrote this. Well, my ex contacted me recently, telling me that he's moving out of state. Believe it or not, the message came as a shock and memories came flooding back for a second. I'm completely fine though. I just needed to vent one last time.

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