Monday, June 30, 2014


By: Lena Holdman 

When you first look at me,
I might seem innocent, sane, regular.
But look closer,
Do you see the darkness in my eyes?
You’d probably see something that even I wouldn’t recognize.
This is the monster that resides in my soul.
 It chose me because I was naïve,
I was easy to fool because I was so curious and gullible;
My own curiosity led me to a secret hell.

It taunts me with terrifying, vile thoughts;
Disturbing images of dark desires, murder, and lust.
My own mind is impossible to trust.
The pure part of me is so frightened and confused by them,
While the demon inside craves for them to become alive!

Having complete control,
it makes me do the unthinkable.
I try to fight but it’s too powerful.
I don’t know what I’m doing when it takes over.
My righteous side blacks out,
I’m it;
A rabid, wicked, pentagram-imprinted hunter.
Tainting the weak makes my mouth water,
Helpless screams make it more fun.

After the sinful deed is done,
I come to again,
I cry, fall onto my knees,
For I see the blood on my hands and the gore at my feet.
The evil inside just begins to giggle!

Can you help me?
Do you even believe me?! 
Oh, it’s getting more hungry, more dominating.
If you’re going to save me,
please hurry!
It’s burning, scratching, gnawing;
Beyond torture!
 How much invasion can my soul endure?
Let me be killed if you have to,
Please just get someone…anyone to slay this monster!! 

(c)Lena Holdman, all rights reserved 2014

Dark, Horror, Poetry, Metaphor 

The narrator is tortured by guilt. The "monster" is making her do bad things and for a moment, she likes doing those things until she sees what she's done. She just wants to stop being sinful. 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Very scary...but beautifully written, as usual. Also, the picture you chose will haunt my nightmares. Thanks.

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