Friday, September 2, 2016

A Personal Update. (And Is Youtube Really Censored? )

Personal Update: 

Hi Y'all, 

I've been doing homework all week, so since I'm 4 weeks ahead in my online class, I decided to make weekends my days off from homework. It pays to be an overachiever.  😉 During the weekends, I will blog, tweet, message, and of course, go out. I like my fun. 


At first, when I read the "end of Youtube" hype on Twitter last night, I thought that Youtube was actually censoring videos and banning some due to the web site's new 'advertiser friendly' guidelines. Automatically getting on my soap box, I started reciting the First Amendment on Twitter. I have strong views on censorship (it's the writer in me lol) and I was saying that Youtube was stomping on an youtuber's amendment rights, but after some research this morning, I realized that this isn't exactly the case. I'll admit it, I was wrong. I'm sorry. My fandom got the best of me. The guidelines are for money/advertisements. If an youtuber violates the guidelines, the youtuber basically won't get paid or have an advertisement play before their video starts. This does suck for some youtubers and some of the guidelines are questionable but it's not the end of the world. Youtubers can still say and do anything that they want. They just have to be extra, extra creative to get around the guidelines and just face the fact that they won't get paid sometimes. If an youtuber really cared about their fans, they won't be up in arms about not getting paid every single time that their videos get viewed. Most popular youtubers (like Shane Dawson) sell merchandise and do other stuff, so they'll be fine. 

Lena 😘 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Maybe you should be a youtuber; )

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