Thursday, May 25, 2017

Stop The Blame Game (Give Compassion A Chance)

The bombing on Monday in Manchester at an Ariana Grande concert was terrifying and beyond heartbreaking. People, including children, were injured or died. The whole situation was horrific. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims. Now, in a Daily Mail article, a writer basically blames Ariana for the bombing. It suggests that her revealing outfits on stage might've angered Islamic extremists. 

Oh come on! DO NOT BLAME HER! I'm not a big fan of hers but this blame game is so wrong. The bombing was traumatic for her and her fans and she doesn't need the extra guilt. Evil people did this bombing out of complete hate, not because of clothing! I wish that people would stop with all of the violence and just give compassion a chance. 

In times of crisis, I believe in the saying: "Think Tink" (my way of saying "think happy thoughts") so let's watch a happy video and forget the messed up things in the world for a moment: 


Friday, May 5, 2017


Guess what, I'm going to be an aunt again! My sissy is having another baby. She's due in December, around Christmastime. I'm so happy for Amanda and Craig, and I'm so excited to have another niece or a nephew!! 😂💗

Just Thinking Of You Today, Steven

  Hi Steven,  How are you? I'm good! I'm just thinking of you today and saying hi. It feels weird to say 'Happy Death Day,' ...