Sunday, October 8, 2017

the Creepy Side of Me (a Halloween Poem)

the Creepy Side of Me 

There's a dark, soulless, creepy side of me;
The side that no one gets to see. 
It comes out at midnight, 
when everyone is asleep. 
One of my eyes glow emerald green and another glows pumpkin-orange;
my lips becoming blood-red, 
my skin becoming as pale as the dead. 

I levitate above the streets, 
lurking around the neighborhood; 
stalking the innocent from their beds.

I then creep into the woods, 
dancing with the devil, 
letting myself be caressed by absolute evil.  

I drink virgin blood and cackle with a group of murderous witches, 
wielding a huge butcher knife. 
I'm becoming monstrous 
but I don't care or notice.

(c)Lena Holdman, all rights reserved 2017 

This is just a Halloween poem πŸŽƒ ...or is it? 😈 I hope that it crept you out. 😈 Hehe!

Just Thinking Of You Today, Steven

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