Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Conspiracy Theories with Shane Dawson, Part 2

Shane's new video has Chuck E. Cheese conspiracy theories (I will never look at their pizza or their games the same again, lol), and has Shane and his friends experimenting with an app that copies people's voices. Shane also interviews Brittani Louise Taylor, (a youtuber and author), who was in an abusive relationship. I don't want to give anything away but she said that the abuser tried to do something terrible to her and her son. Her story is so sad and a dark lesson for anyone who's online dating. 

The whole thing is such a good video though! Shane and his cameraman/co-editor, Andrew become investigative reporters in this video. It has some intense mystery, some humor, and heart. I know that I keep saying this but Netflix needs to give him a show. He's that awesome! Where are you Netflix?! 

The video is a must-watch. I highly recommend it! ⇩⇩ 

Smooches and think Tink! 

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