Thursday, April 15, 2021

2nd Vaccination 💉


I got my second shot! 💉 I AM NOW FULLY VACCINATED BABY!! 

Smooches and think Tink. 🧚

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Poetry Is... (a poem)


Do you really think that a poet likes to be told how to write, 

to be told to write this but not write that? 

Poetry doesn't have to be perfect or 'correct.' 

Get off your high-horse, 

get rid of your judgmental red pen

Poetry is the poet's feelings,   

what's seen and what's within.  

(c)Lena Holdman, all rights reserved 2021 

Smooches and think Tink!

My Power (a poem)


My imagination is my secret power; 

They're the thoughts that no one else dares to explore. 

When the norms say what I can do and what I can't, 

my dreams take flight. 

I can be the sweet 'good girl' that makes your heart flutter 

or the deadly femme fatale that seduces you right down to Hell. 

Picturesque or grotesque,

innocence or wickedness;  

It's my choice

because in my mind, 

nothing is impossible. 

I'm not bound to any limitations or rules, 

I'm in absolute control. 

(c)Lena Holdman, all rights reserved 2021 

Smooches and think Tink! 


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The World of Blue Light (a poem)


Sometimes in my life

when there's something that is too frustrating, overwhelming, or sad, 

I don't like to face it. 

I escape to the world of blue light; 

where I can backspace anything bad, 

Retyping, reprogramming 

and making everything right. 

(c)Lena Holdman, all rights reserved 2021 

I feel like UGH today but I'm okay. I'm just venting. 

Smooches and think Tink! 

Friday, April 2, 2021

The Origin of the Easter Bunny


Where did the idea for the Easter Bunny come from? The theory is that the symbol of the rabbit comes from the ancient pagan tradition, the festival of Eostre, which honored the goddess of fertility and spring. The goddess's animal symbol was apparently a rabbit, which have long traditionally symbolized fertility. 


Happy Easter! Smooches and think Tink!

Just Thinking Of You Today, Steven

  Hi Steven,  How are you? I'm good! I'm just thinking of you today and saying hi. It feels weird to say 'Happy Death Day,' ...