Friday, November 11, 2022
Happy Birthday Steven! 💙🕊
Monday, November 7, 2022
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Wonderland Camp, October 2022 🎃
I went to Wonderland Camp during the weekend of October 28th. I saw my old friends: Cookie, Alyssa, Kelsey, Jan, Lisa, and Ann. Cookie surprised me; she told me that she wasn't coming that weekend and there she was, sitting at the table when I rolled into check-in. I was so happy! I also made a new friend named Jamie. She's sweet. On Friday evening, we had a campfire. We sang dorky camp songs and ate gooey, exquisite s'mores. It was good to be back at camp.
On Saturday morning, we did a craft. We made skeletons with raw noodles. I thought that my skeleton looked pretty cool with a bikini top and bottoms (it was Jack Skellington's bald daughter, lol 😊💀). Alyssa helped with the arms but I did the rest on my own. I know that it's sort of silly (lol) but I was proud of that fact. 😁 I draw but I'm usually not a crafty gal.
After the skeletons, we climbed the rock wall. I always love doing that; it feels like I'm flying above the campground.
Then, we had free time. For some reason, I was fascinated with the colorful leaves at camp that weekend. There are colored leaves here at home but the red and orange ones there seemed more bright to me. Because I thought that the color of the leaves was beautifully vivid, I made bead and leaf necklace (very Peter Pan of me) with help from Ann. I somehow started a trend in my cabin; all of the girls wanted to make leaf necklaces like mine.
After free time, we did another craft and decorated our trick-or-treat bags. I used buttons and puff-balls to make a smiley face. Jamie helped.
We then played with the parachute outside. Alyssa threw some balls in the middle of it and we waved the parachute up and down until the balls bounced out. When we were done with the parachute, we shot bb guns. I still can't aim or pull the trigger without flinching to save my life, lol. After bb guns, we dressed in our costumes for evening activities. I was Jack Skellington and Mama Cookie was a chocolate chip cookie.
We then watched the movie Scooby-doo in Miller Hall while we ate dinner. It was cute.
Later that evening, we went through the haunted house. I love how the camp staff tries to legitimately scare and creep out campers. They don't think to sugar-coat the scares anymore and that's awesome! Freddy Krueger was even there (Hi Megan 😜). I had a blast, squealing and giggling. After coming out of the haunted house, we went trick-or-treating around camp. I know that I'm too old but hey, I've always said that WC could bring out anyone's inner child. Plus, I like free candy, lol. 😄 It was so much fun. Oh, just one suggestion for next year: give out some big chocolate bars. Campers, especially the younger ones, would love it.
Then, after trick-or-treating, we had milkshakes and talked in Miller Hall until bedtime.
The whole weekend was an excellent precursor to Halloween! It was cool just to hang out with friends, belly-laughing about anything but yet relaxing. It was another great weekend at WC and I can't wait for summer! WC will always be my joy-filled, secondary home. Oh Wonderland, I love.
Smooches and think Tink! 💋🧚🎃
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Just Thinking Of You Today, Steven
Hi Steven, How are you? I'm good! I'm just thinking of you today and saying hi. It feels weird to say 'Happy Death Day,' ...