Saturday, January 11, 2025

Just Thinking Of You Today, Steven


Hi Steven, 

How are you? I'm good! I'm just thinking of you today and saying hi. It feels weird to say 'Happy Death Day,' but I always celebrate your memory today, too. We all miss you, but I know you still watch over us. Have you met Lee yet? Please say hi to him. You'll like his humor.

 I love you, Stevie Wevie. 

Smooches and think Tink! 


Saturday, January 4, 2025

A Neverland Boy Band?


What if Peter Pan and the Lost Boys were a boy band? They would sing pop versions of Disney songs and sing original songs. Hey Disney, call me lol. You need a new creative idea! 

Also, this is what happens when I spend the evening listening to 90s/00s boy bands. Lol. 

Image made with DreamUp AI on DeviantArt.

Smooches and Think Tink!

Just Thinking Of You Today, Steven

  Hi Steven,  How are you? I'm good! I'm just thinking of you today and saying hi. It feels weird to say 'Happy Death Day,' ...