Friday, January 20, 2012

Censored : SOPA and PIPA Postponed 


If we lived in a world of censorship,
words would be sugar coated, covered up, blacked out;
us never knowing what the story is really about!
Seeing us as oblivious and naive,
tainted information would be what they expect us to believe,
without questions, without ideas or opinions.
We would say rest in peace creativity,
farwell imaginative technology,
for the truth would only come with a fee.

With all of the greed of Hollywood and all the ignorance of government,
our lives would be restricted, so limited;
But I won’t buy into that,
I will be heard,
I won’t be a part of a world that is censored! 

(c)Lena Holdman, all rights reserved 2012 

Congress has thankfully stopped the voting of those ridiculous piracy bills after online protests. This poem just describes what would happen if they were passed and my extreme dislike. 

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