Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Canceling Cartoons?!


People need to loosen up! First, Warner Bros. recently cancelled Pepe Le Pew completely (A kissing skunk) because people said that he was "normalizing rape." Kids don't see it that way. To them, it's just a silly skunk kissing a cat. If it's that upsetting to adults, parents could just offhandedly say, "Oh, that goofy Pepe, he should've asked her if she wanted a kiss."  Warner Bros. didn't have to discontinue the cartoons altogether. 

Then, Peter Pan was suddenly a "racist" and was "teaching kids how to smoke." Peter Pan is still on Disney+ but they restricted the movie from kids' profiles that are under seven. As an aunt of two and being half native American, but being the biggest fan of Peter Pan, I'll admit that some scenes are questionable and the "What Makes the Red Man Red" song is very inappropriate. Grownups can just tell kids why these things are wrong though. Don't hide a classic Disney movie. It's a story of imagination, adventure, and childhood.

Do you remember being an innocent, carefree, fun kid? Remember those days? THEN, FOR THE LOVE OF PETER PAN, STOP CANCELING/CENSORING CLASSIC CARTOONS to be "politically correct." Keep adult politics out of kids' minds. You can teach kids about life, (as you should), but don't take away childhood memories just to be "right" or to seem "woke!"  

Remember to have fun! 

Smooches and think Tink!

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