Sunday, January 17, 2021

Confused (when reality slaps a fan-girl right in the face)


Are you an angel or a devil? 
Why am I so unsure now? 
Was it a mistake or are you being fake? 
I love you so much
that I'm clinging onto you for dear life 
but you're morphing right before my eyes 
into someone who I don't recognize. 
I'm so confused and torn! 
Please prove me wrong, 
please prove to me that a hero isn't slowly becoming the villain!   

(c)Lena Holdman, all rights reserved 2021 

Dear Shane Dawson, 

Did Jeffree Star put you under a trance? This isn't you, you're a kind person! The Shane that I know and love wouldn't let business, or gossip, or fear of reprisals get in the way of how you truly feel. I know that you want to see the good in Jeffree but he's shady. He didn't help you enough when you got "canceled." Hell, he's part of reason why you got "canceled" in the first place! Please, PLEASE, Baby Boy, remember who you are. Do I have to sacrifice my Dawson bear in a fire, while Sabrina Spellman cast a counter-spell on you to reverse this trance? Because I will, lol. I won't let you go without a fight! I love you so damn much Shane! I'm not telling you who you can be friends with (you're thirty-two years old, you can be friends with whoever) but think. Is sticking by Jeffree healthy or dysfunctional? 

Smooches and think Tink. 

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